Putting the Pieces Together: Working the ACA Puzzle with a New Administration

Putting the Pieces Together: Working the ACA Puzzle with a New Administration

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Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. Paul Ryan was re-elected as Speaker of the House. The Republicans have the majority in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. The political atmosphere is favorable for the Trump Administration and the Republican House to begin implementing its healthcare policy objectives.

President-elect Trump’s and Speaker Ryan’s proposals are likely to have a significant impact on employer sponsored health and welfare benefits. Employers should be aware of the main tenets of these proposals, the legislative changes that could affect their benefit offerings and the resulting options for managing their employee benefits.

  • Understand President-Elect Trump’s Healthcare Policy Objectives and the policies outlined in Speaker Ryan’s “A Better Way” proposal
  • Consider the implications of these proposals on employer sponsored health and welfare benefits
  • Identify strategies to manage employee benefit offerings in the midst of changing legislation

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  •  January 19, 2017
     2:15 pm - 5:00 pm


Brinson Benefits