Dear HR Manager from Multi-tasking Professional

Dear HR Manager from Multi-tasking Professional

Dear HR Manager,

How do I create a mental wellness strategy?

– Multi-tasking Professional

Dear Multi-tasking Professional,

Developing an effective mental wellness strategy is crucial in today’s workplace, as 92 percent of employees value an employer that prioritizes emotional and psychological well-being.

Here are a few ideas to start you on your journey.

Make Support Accessible

Demonstrate your commitment to your employees’ overall well-being with immediate and convenient access to mental health support. Examine your disability benefits plan closely to ensure it encompasses mental health. To offer timely support, remove financial barriers, and give easy access, consider enhancing your employee benefits package with supplemental mental health benefits incorporating online therapy services and mindfulness apps.

Communicate Clearly

Communication is vital in making your mental wellness strategy effective. Show your team that mental health is a priority with regular reminders and updates about mental health resources. Encourage utilization and reinforce the company’s commitment to employee well-being with clear communication about the accessibility of mental health coverage in your employee benefits package.

Develop a Culture of Support

Beyond individual benefits, cultivating a supportive workplace culture is fundamental. Employees increasingly seek environments that promote work-life balance, recognize their contributions, and encourage positive interpersonal relationships. Such a culture supports mental health and enhances employee engagement and productivity.

Implementing cultural change involves both top-down leadership involvement and grassroots initiatives. Leadership should lead by example, sharing personal experiences with mental health to destigmatize discussions around the topic. Additionally, creating opportunities for employees to contribute to the conversation around mental wellness fosters a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Remember, the role of middle management is critical in this process. Training managers to listen empathetically and respond without judgment can significantly impact the effectiveness of your mental wellness strategy.

An effective mental wellness strategy combines comprehensive benefits, accessible support, continuous communication, and a culture that actively supports employee well-being. By adopting this multifaceted approach, you can create a workplace that acknowledges the importance of mental health and actively promotes and supports it.

–  HR Manager

Originally featured in UBA’s February 2024 HR Elements Newsletter.

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