

Workplace Culture | Embracing No-Meeting Fridays

As companies strive to enhance productivity and employee well-being, No-Meeting Fridays is gaining traction. This initiative aims to tackle the inefficiencies associated with frequent meetings and create a more focused work environment. Without the constant interruptions of meetings, employees ...

Employee Benefits | Pay Equity

In the modern workplace, pay equity is not just a matter of fairness but a fundamental aspect of organizational health and employee satisfaction. Ensuring that all employees receive equal pay for substantially similar work is a legal mandate and can be a strategic advantage. Legal Foundations ...

Workplace Culture | Considering Strategic Promotions

Today’s pressing talent crunch, rapid digital transformation, and shifting skill requirements call for a refreshed talent management approach. Leveraging strategic promotions can be crucial for driving sustained growth and employee engagement. Companies that excel in maximizing the potential of ...

Workplace Culture | Integrating AI in HR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is profoundly reshaping the landscape of human resources (HR), revolutionizing traditional processes and unlocking new possibilities. From recruitment to employee engagement, HR teams are finding applications for AI that streamline workflows, enhance ...

Workplace Culture | Reviewing Your Bereavement Leave Policy

Losing a loved one is a deeply emotional and mentally challenging experience. It is a time when individuals need support, understanding, and time to grieve. Bereavement leave is a compassionate gesture and a vital benefit for employee well-being. What is bereavement leave? Bereavement leave is ...

Dear HR Manager from Hybrid Schedule

Dear HR Manager, My company had offered flexible remote work options but has now mandated that employees return to the office at least twice a week. My team works well in the remote setting, but I also see the benefits of in-person collaboration. How do I establish a new hybrid schedule ...

Workplace Culture | Salary Transparency in Job Postings

The importance of pay transparency is on the rise as more organizations now include salary ranges in their job postings. Recent research from Payscale indicates a significant increase in employers adopting this practice, with the percentage of job postings featuring pay ranges jumping from 22% ...

Workplace Culture | Employee Learning: Develop In-House or Hire a Vendor?

When it comes to fostering a positive workplace culture, investing in employee learning and development is essential. One decision you may face is whether to develop learning programs in-house or hire external vendors. Each approach comes with advantages and considerations. Let’s explore both ...

Workplace Culture | ChatGTP: How to Set AI Parameters at Work

ChatGPT is revolutionizing online search technology and transforming many business processes. The tool enables users to enter a query and receive a detailed response, taking context and intent into account. Many companies (Morgan Stanley, Stripe, and PwC) are working to leverage this ...

Dear HR Manager from Wage Worries

Dear HR Manager, A tenured employee on my team just found out we hired a new team member in the same position and level at a much higher salary. Both employees are in the same position and level within the organization. The tenured employee is rightfully upset. What should I do next to assess ...

Brinson Benefits