Dear HR Manager from Struggling Manager

Dear HR Manager from Struggling Manager

Dear HR Manager,

How do I give my team feedback without a performance review? I am a new manager, and I can see that several of my team members need guidance. I don’t want them to think I am picking on them, as I have experienced those uncomfortable conversations. I want to be a good manager but struggle to start these needed conversations.

– Struggling Manager

Dear Struggling Manager,

A few things are essential when providing negative feedback outside of a performance review. First, it’s crucial to find a suitable, private setting where both parties have ample time for discussion. Then, focus on the employee’s work, offering specific examples and guidance for improvement. It’s equally important to balance this with positive feedback, acknowledging their strengths and achievements to convey appreciation for their efforts.

To communicate effectively and foster trust and respect during the conversation:

  1. Adopt a friendly tone.
  2. Be clear, compassionate, and self-assured when delivering feedback.
  3. Encourage employees to express their thoughts.
  4. Actively listen.
  5. Avoid being judgmental.

If an employee is struggling, provide support and access to resources, including training or mental health services. Collaborate on developing a plan to move forward, including actionable steps and follow-up, which provides structure and assistance.

In the event of unexpected reactions, stay calm and reexamine how you delivered the feedback. If necessary, rephrase comments neutrally, giving the employee time to process the feedback and consider potential solutions.

Consistently check in with the employee to ensure they meet their goals and receive the necessary support. Encourage a growth mindset and offer developmental opportunities to promote continuous improvement.

Providing negative feedback is vital for employee growth and fostering effective teamwork. By establishing a safe environment and delivering feedback adeptly, you can transform these conversations into opportunities for personal and collaborative development.

– HR Manager

Originally featured in UBA’s September 2023 HR Elements Newsletter.

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