Dear HR Manager from Word on The Street

Dear HR Manager from Word on The Street

Dear HR Manager,

An employee from another department applied for an open position on my team. Normally, I would be thrilled, but rumor has it that this individual is not a stellar performer. What should I do?

– Word on The Street

Dear Word on The Street,

Above all, keep an open mind; the rumor mill may not be accurate. All employees have strengths and weaknesses. Your job is to determine if this candidate’s skill set would be a good match for your team. Use these questions to guide your evaluation.

Is the candidate qualified?

Use the same evaluation criteria across the board. Then, proceed if their application materials are strong enough to merit an interview.

Can you learn more about their performance history?

Prior supervisors or HR may be able to provide feedback on the employee or share historic performance reviews.

How can you vet concerns during the interview process?

Ask behavioral questions that will uncover examples of how they respond on the job.

Regardless of the outcome, provide feedback to your internal applicant. You can support their continued growth by sharing your insights.

– HR Manager

Originally featured in UBA’s March 2023 HR Elements Newsletter.

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